“Those kids are the reason I’m at Iowa State University. I enjoy watching them develop, seeing their desire to learn, and in some small way, molding them a little bit, encouraging them, and reinforcing them.”
- Allen E Christian
To continue Al’s legacy, the committee will properly celebrate the contributions of Al Christian by raising funds for:
· Scholarships for students in the College of Agriculture that have an interest in pork production.
· Investment in swine related curriculum
· Programs for students interested in pork production
The goal of the committee is to raise a minimum of $250,000 by December 2011. All funds collected will be directed by a program selection committee that includes Al Christian and two pork industry representatives.
For more information about Al’s legacy, visit http://www.alchristianlegacy.com/.
To contribute to this effort complete the following information or visit www.foundation.iastate.edu/christian.
Name: __________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
City: ____________________ State: ________________ Zip Code:_______
Email: _________________________________ Phone: ( )
Contribution or Pledge amount:
$250________$500_______ $750______$1,000 ______other ________
Make checks out to: Allen E. Christian Legacy Education Fund
20 ALC:03
Mail to:
Iowa State University Foundation
PO Box 868
Ames, IA 50010-0868
Attn: Allen E. Christian Legacy Fund
Gifts to the ISU Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
The Iowa State University Foundation respects the privacy of donors’ personal and financial information, and will not release information to the public about prospective or actual donors other than donors’ names, gift amounts and gift designations. Requests from donors that their names not be released will be honored. If you have questions, please call 866-419-6768 or e-mail questions@foundation.iastate.edu.
Allen E. Christian Legacy Committee:
Dr. Tom Baas
Adam Conover
Ken Estes
Dr. Brian Knudson
Jim Krug
Pat McGonegle
Cody McKinley
Jay Merryman
Al Tank
Jan Schuiteman
Al Snedegar
Dave Wendel
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