2013 World Pork Expo Kicks Off

The 2013 World Pork Expo (WPX) is officially under way in Des Moines, Iowa. A record-breaking 2,527 entries poured into the Iowa State Fairgrounds for the 25th anniversary of the WPX. The National Swine Registry staff is eager to start the week off with the World Pork Expo Junior National show, tomorrow.

Below are some candids from around the barn as exhibitors prepare for the upcoming week by unloading and registering their entries. 

Registration began at 1 p.m.

Expo enthusiasts of all ages gather for the event.

unloading the trailer is an occurring event on Tuesday.

After exhibitors get settled in they head to the wash rack. 

At Expo, feed and water comes first for the pigs.

Teamwork is shown throughout the barn.

Multi-tasking becomes an art during unloading.

If you are unable to attend the 2013, 25th Annual World Pork Expo, the NSR Marketing and Communications crew will be providing live coverage of this week’s show. Be sure to check the NSR Shows & Sales blog and also our twitter feed (@NationalSwine) for results. Twitter users are encouraged to use the hashtag #NPPCWPX all week.

Best of luck to those exhibiting; see you in Des Moines!

1 comment:

  1. What happened to the live feed from ring A for the NSR show at WPX ?

    Craig; CA
