Wanted: College Students to Promote Agriculture

Wanted: College Students to Promote Agriculture Pork - Industry News

Wanted: College Students to Promote Agriculture
By Pork news source Wednesday, August 04, 2010

College students are needed to share the facts about modern food production with the public. College Aggies Online, a program to help today's college students become advocates for the agriculture industry, are encouraged to sign up.

College Aggies Online is a joint venture of the Animal Agriculture Alliance and American National CattleWomen.

Participating students will utilize social media tools such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to share agriculture's story with the public. Beginning Sept. 1, members of College Aggies Online will compete to win prizes for the school organization that they represent. Participants will earn points for each agriculture-related blog, photo and video that they post.

Students who participate in the program help ensure the future of American agriculture. "Last year, 350 students representing 50 universities shared their stories on the College Aggies Online network," said Kay Johnson Smith, Animal Agriculture Alliance executive vice president.

Students with a passion for agriculture are asked to register for the program. After creating a personal profile on the network, members will gain access to a private forum where they can discuss current and emerging issues facing farmers and ranchers. Competitors also receive points for authoring agriculture-focused articles for their local newspapers.

After final point counts are tallied in April 2011, the winning club will receive a $750 scholarship, national recognition and a trip for one representative to Washington, D.C. for the Alliance's annual Stakeholders Summit. Additional recognition and scholarships will be awarded to the runner-up in the club competition and to the two top-placing individual competitors.

For more information, contact Krissa Thom at KThom@animalagalliance.org or (703) 562-1410 or visit the group’s Web site.

Source: Animal Agriculture Alliance
Linked from: www.pork.org

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